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Chapter 3 weekly devlog 9

Elven Kingdom
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Whoops, I missed a week! Sorry for that, I must admit it completely slipped my mind.

It is this rather annoying period in development when there isn't much I can show. Al lot of it is simply because there has been a lot of coding and writing, and part of it is keeping some surprises for the people who are going to play (there are some good ones in there, I think ^^). Like many projects, I think what takes the longest is the last part, the tidying up, the making sure everything is where it should be. The way I write, as I've said before, is iterative, and I often go back over scenes to add little details, or change things so that they fit with an idea that came later. Having characters created as I go sometimes means that I change things around to fit them better in the story. Or sometimes I realise that there is a massive plothole that needs fixing, etc, etc. I personally enjoy the process a lot, but seeing the end of it is always exhausting. 

But good news, the chapter is now sitting at a comfortable 21,000 words, which means the writing is now at... 105%? Well, it's basically done, is my point. All the scenes are there, there is a clear flow from beginning to end, and even though some things have had to be left on the cutting room floor, I'm quite confident that there is enough variety in there to keep you entertained. There will be a couple changes here and there I'm sure, but it's all good, I did like Stonehold as a chapter, and the Academy before that, but for this chapter I didn't want to spend all of it in the Dwarven Capital. It felt a little too much like redoing Stonehold, to be honest, and at this point in the story, things need to get moving! So from Stonehold, we'll be going to the Dwarves, then back to the Elven Capital, Rúannedh, that we haven't really seen much. I'm hoping the travelling and different people we meet will help keep things fresh.

As always, there are additional things to be done and things to find in the previous chapters, to encourage players to play them again. I think, from the comments I've been getting, that players enjoy the secret pics hidden here and there, and having stuff to unlock, so I've been a bit more comfortable in having choices that completely cut off a storyline or another, to add replayability and variety. However, as a player, I like to be able to do everything in one go,  so I can understand people not liking that. As always, I'm very happy to listen to feedback on that. I haven't made a count yet of how many unlockable picture there will be, but it should be similar to Stonehold. Man, when I'm done with this game, that will be hundreds of pictures... It's kinda nuts!

For spanking scenes, I've tried to have more of them with implement choices (and choices like when to put the panties down, etc). It's a tad more work in terms of programming but I think it's pretty fun. I don't think having every spanking be like that would be that great (there are a lot of them, after all!), but it's a nice treat for special ones, I feel... A bit more variety in positions also, and some more vanilla scenes here and there to keep things interesting... I don't know if people want to have the possibility to have either the MC or princess be fucked by a dude, but I might add that somewhere if people do like the idea (optional stuff, of course).

For the slightly less good news, I have so much art to do, haha. I keep doing this to myself, really. Writing a scene is very easy, and adding little variants, and oh! let's add a spanking here, and a fight there... Yes, yes,! Artist-Kalidwen, you're totally are going to draw all of that, yeah? Well... Yeah, but I hate you, writer-Kalidwen. Good thing I work alone, or my team would have murdered me by now ^^'

So, in short, writing's pretty much done, yay! There is a lot of art to be drawn, boo! I'm on holiday all week, yay! Let's put what's left to do into numbers:

  • Writing: 99%
  • Coding: 90%
  • Art : 10%(?)

See you next week, with a loooooooooooot more art done. Not sure how much I'll want to show, but we'll have a look at the number of scenes and whatnot. It's all coming together!

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