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We're leveling up!

Breakfast Empires
A downloadable game for Windows

Breakfast Empires has literally leveled up (the UK could take some notes).

Level 3 cities and units are available!

The Eggs get the Eggapult. It does light damage to multiple enemies and heavy damage to city walls.

The Bacon get the Bacon Magus. It can use 3 powerful recipes but only one can be active at a time.

  • Meatier Shower does light damage to multiple enemies
  • Meatier Strike does heavy damage to a single enemy
  • Leg of Beast is poor against soldiers, but great against city walls.

The Toast get the Toaster. It's tough, armored, and spawns a Toastling every few turns during battle.

A new challenger has arrived

The normal AI provides a tougher test than the Casual AI. Some of the improvements are:

  • It better evaluates fights, and shouldn't randomly take bad fights against Neutral enemies. It's aware that attacking cities far away is more risky.
  • Better city development. It knows that cities with lots of neighbors should get economic buildings. It will build defensive structures when it feels threatened, but not uselessly build walls in safe cities.
  • Instead of leaving armies sitting around uselessly in safe cities, it will reinforce cities on the front lines.
  • Won't try to build Dough when an army doesn't have Glutenmancers.

Graphics updates

The desert terrain has unique models for housing.

The economic buildings look better, and randomly generate goods to add some flavor.

Most models have different LODs (level of detail). So it's not quite as taxing on your computer when you're zoomed out looking at a ton of cities.

And more

Including a couple new maps, bug fixes, and many other small things that I don't remember and would be too boring to list here anyway.


  • Breakfast Empires In 205 MB
    Version 8
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