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The Super Bouncing Snipes Update(V 1.2)!

Squares N' Guns
A browser game made in HTML5

Hey, Nicky T. here with a new update!, Squares N' Guns Update 1.2! Spoilers are ahead, so if you want to figure out what's new, then don't read ahead. Ok, now that you've been warned, let's go. First off, right away you'll notice a thin blue rectangle, that's our bounce pad. Use it to well, bounce(Please note that it is still in development and may fling you really high into the air). Next up is the new weapon: The Sniper! This powerful weapon is going to help you when you need it, as it one shots the other square(Quick warning, it's pretty broken in Slow Motion!), It will receive an update soon, so stick around to find out. Our next thing is an update for the sword! Equip the sword and wait for the bar to fill up to the max, and when it does, press S and use your super move(All items will receive super moves in time.) Next is the background change, pressing ENTER will cycle through the 3 current backgrounds available. And lastly, is the level changer, pressing O will show a bar for you to choose between 5 levels for now, this for now is affecting the gameplay and collision, but I can assure you that I'll try my best to fix it, so have fun, stay safe and beat the deal outta that red square!!!(By the way, if you want to know what I made this in, I used


  • Squares N' Guns (7).html 4.3 MB
    Apr 08, 2023
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