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So, sorry for the radio silence

The Corruption of Bull Brute
A downloadable game

Proofreading has been slower than I thought on account of executive dysfunction as well as just life and work getting in the way. I will be completing revisions on about 2/3rds of what I have written and posting just that chunk early, so as not to disappoint or upset anybody.

The reason why more hasn't been written during revisions of the currently out stuff is that I find myself weirdly compelled to only write linearly and chronologically, no clue why. And I didn't want to just leave a floating chunk of text in the code to be implemented later or have unfinished stuff available to public viewing, but one of those is probably gonna happen anyway so I guess I'll just break the links to stuff that isn't finished being written or revised. 

In other news, I finally have a drawing tablet so the low quality mouse drawings will be getting replaced as soon as I get to grips with the new hardware. I never really gave serious thought to like. An actual visual novel before? But now it's feeling like a way more tangible possibility. Of course the whole solo development thing will most likely be more... demanding than what I've been doing so far, and I've seen the community tear popular creators apart for not meeting deadline so I'm apprehensive to say the least. 

Idk, we'll see how it goes. I've been doing most of this by ear anyway, so what's the harm in a little more lol

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