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More Skill Trees and Enemy stats

A downloadable game

Anthony Palermo - 4/7/2023

Coming back from the week break from working last week, I have continued to work on the enemy skill trees for the player. This week I primarily made the UI for two of the skill trees, the skeleton and the necromancer trees. Both of the skill trees needed the same functional parts. Getting the Skeleton completed quickly was important as our team member, Jamari, was going to making the actual skills for it.

Making the Skeleton UI was not difficult, at this point I have made two other skill trees and just had to repeat the process for that. With the skeleton skill tree, I only added four skills this time. We want to focus our time in making the player have fun abilities to use with the enemies they possess so we wanted to make the skill trees more bare bones to iron out the fun abilities. We may expand these skill trees later but our focus is making new abilities, and these skills will unlock those for the player to use.

The necromancer skill tree is the same story as the skeleton, although it took even less time as I had just finished the skeleton and repeated the process. The fourth skill in these two trees becomes available to the player after they unlock the three other skills in the skill tree, which is different from the past two skill trees where a skill would become unlockable if the player acquired one of a list of skills instead of needing all the skills on that list. The player is now able to earn skill points for all the skill trees, which is earned by killing an enemy. There is currently some issues where the player will earn more than one skill point when killing an enemy.

After finishing the UI skill trees, I began working on the enemy stats. We have four stats for the enemies which are ATK, DEF, CON, and INT. ATK will increase the damage of attacks and increase the range of some attacks and abilities. The DEF stat will reduce incoming damage to the enemy, and CON will increase the amount of health an enemy has. INT will reduce the cooldown time for enemy abilities and increase duration of abilities. The player will have all the same stats, except instead of reducing the cooldown of abilities, INT will reduce mana costs for the player.

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