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(V1.02) Blood Splatter Effect and Screen Shake

Zombie Zone
A downloadable Zombie Zone for Windows

Things that have been added:

Screen shake effect:
There have been added small screen shake effects when guns are fired.
I am gonna add more screen effects for when the player is hit, but for now, I am just gonna keep the screen shake effect for when the guns are fired.

Blood splatter effect:
There have been added blood splatter effects.
The blood effect sprays in the opposite direction of where the bullet hit the zombie, and the blood splatter will then fade over time so it does not just stay there and take up space.

New zombie spawning area: 
There has been added a small new area which is where the zombies will spawn, but the player will not be able to walk into this place.
The reason that this was added was that sometimes the zombies would spawn on top of you and you would instantly take damage with no chance to kill the zombie before this would happen.

Something that has to do with the spawning area that will be added next update is some signs that will say that you can't walk into this area, so it makes you more aware.

P - Close Game
E - Open Shop
F - Melee Attack


  • ZombieZone V1.02.exe 16 MB
    Apr 05, 2023
  • ZombieZone 3 MB
    Apr 05, 2023
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