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Carousel v0.23-beta features, updates, and fixes

A downloadable typewriter for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Fixes and new features since v0.20-beta

Whoa, it's Week 2 of Carousel in early access! There have been a few minor updates since launch--have a look at what I've been up to!

If you're installing Carousel for the first time, you're good to grab the v0.23-beta ZIP file and go! However, if you're upgrading to v0.23-beta from a previous build and your want to retain your existing data, note that there was a breaking change introduced in v0.23-beta that requires an additional few steps. Please see MANUAL.TXT for special upgrade instructions. (Alternatively, you can start with a fresh installation by deleting your old Carousel folder.)

Early-access thank-you gift accessible via KEY file

Those who are trying early-access builds of Carousel now have access to a KEY file that unlocks a special in-game thank-you gift. Download the KEY from the Carousel download page and place it in the CONFIG folder. (Make sure you're using v0.23-beta or later.) The next time you start Carousel, view the carnival prizes and see what you've won!

Improved PALETTE.TXT configurability

Did you know you can create custom colors to use for your Carousel entries? The color palette is contained in CONFIG/PALETTE.TXT, which you can edit to include your own hex codes and color names. You can even use custom colors to create your own topic categories for grouping similar topics together in your rotation. (Check MANUAL.TXT to learn more.)

This custom bright-green color is named "Projects" and is being used to color code and group similar topics.

Starting with Carousel v0.23-beta, you can have as few as one color in PALETTE.TXT or as many as nine. Additionally, the length of custom color names has been increased to 12 characters.

New feature: Print preview (F3)

Want to have a peek at more than the last 10 lines in your current entry? Press F3 while in an entry, and you'll be shown a print preview screen that displays your current entry but with a much more condensed font. You won't be able to scroll or edit this text (gotcha!), but it's a handy way to look back on what you've written. When you're finished reviewing the text, press any key to return to your Carousel entry.

See your file at a glance by toggling print preview with the F3 key.

Bug fixes

There were two crashing bugs related to removing topics and cycling through the rotation. These were fixed in v0.21-beta and v0.22-beta, respectively.


  • 84 kB
    Apr 03, 2023
  • KEY 466 bytes
    Apr 03, 2023
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