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Week 5 - Losing Shit

I want to start this to say... I have lost hours of work before. When I was writing novels that never got published, I would sometimess run into my computer dying and losing all progress. Everyone knows that feeling. The deep sinking feeling, followed by the sheer rage that comes iwth having LOST EVERYTHING.

Well, that just happened to me. I had just gotten done designing the Actors, updating the Classes info, and I was making the skills each class gets as they level up. I had decided the levels for each one and everything. Of course, this was only the are bones, it would all have to be tested for balance, etc, and I hadn't worked out any of the formulas yet or anything. but...

All of it. Gone. Because RPGMaker MV decided to just... close. No reason. Didn't click X. Just... it closed. And I hadn't saved. 

The only good thing about this is that my most triumphant progress today (getting the outline done) was done in Google Docs, which autosaves. So While I lost EFFORT, I didn't lose anything that I can't make again.

I cannot say enough, Save. Save. Save. Save. Always, always save.

Now I have to try and write down what I can remember, which I'm going to do here, to show you how much I worked on. That way, I can hopefully reinput it into the game. 

Changed Actors
Created character Images/Walksprites, Etc. for all characters
Created Emperor enemy type (didn't fill it out yet)

Added to all classes:
Attack, Guard, Wait skills

Added Weapon type :
--- Created weapon - Lyre (5physical dmg, 5mag dmg)

Bard Class- renamed hero class, changed weapon to instrument+

Priest class - 
Heal (standard heal formula)
Physiq (Standard Heal Formula, but for MP)
Double Heal (double Heal formula)
Double Physiq (double Heal Formula, but for MP)
Triple Heal (Triple Heal Formula)
Triple Physiq (triple Heal Formula, but for MP)
Party Heal (Triple Heal formula + all party members)
Party Physiq (Triple Heal Formula, but for MP + all party members)

Druid Class-
Heal (standard heal formula)
Double Heal (double Heal formula)
Triple Heal (Triple Heal Formula)
Tinder  (renamed Fire)
Gutter (Fire with 2x damage formula)
Bonfire (Fire with 4X damage formula)
(had planned some plant spells (aka vinewhip, etc) but handn't implimented them)

Wizard Class - (renamed Mage to Wizard)
Tinder  (renamed Fire)
Gutter (Fire with 2x damage formula)
Bonfire (Fire with 4X damage formula)
Static (renamed Spark)
Crackle (Static w/ 2x damage formula)
Bolt (Static w/ 4x damage formula)
(had planned water & wind spells too, but hadn't put them in)

Rogue Class -  Created Class
(planned some kind of lockpicking skill but hadn't implemented)

Warrior - Turned into Spear attacks rather than sword
Dual Attack
Double Attack
Triple Attack

Pugilist - Created class
Dual Attack
Double Attack
Triple Attack

And now I have a list of everything I need to recreate when I reopen it tomorrow. Because fuck it. I am not putting myself through that again. 

Save your game, kids. Just. Do it.

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