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Unlimited mercenaries and balance updates.

A browser game made in HTML5

Thanks to everyone who tried the game, and especially those who shared feedback!

There is a small update before the weekend, including a few features and balance changes.


Players have been complaining that it is not easy and comfortable to make a choice to fire a mercenary when a new, better one drops.

Additionally, some players feel restricted by a single set of mercenaries that has to be universal, being able to fight any types and combinations of monsters. Different monsters have different resistances/damage types, but it is tricky to leverage this knowledge with a single group of 3 mercenaries.

To mitigate both issues, the mercenary count is now unlimited. Instead, the player can choose up to 3 mercenaries for each battle. The choice is saved per monster group and per manual/auto battle option, so you can specialize without having to adjust the group every battle. For a faster battle start, you can simply press Enter when the dialog pops up.

Additionally, you can now rename your companions via the "⋮" button on the companion page. This should help with distinguishing between companions with the same original name.


  • The Farmer lost his 100% crafting speed bonus, and Aadibrosse, Stregon, and Ablotus crafting times have been reduced by half. The end result is the same crafting speed for these plants with a Farmer, and double the speed without a Farmer.
    • Originally, the Farmer bonus was meant to motivate the player to use this profession early; however, with companions offering profession-specific bonuses, this is no longer needed. Reduced manual craft time should improve the very early game and reduce the chance that the player would be bored when Aadibrosse is grown for the first time.
  • Experience from monsters has been rebalanced; now it grows more gradually with levels.
  • Willowpaw lizards are not that easily kited anymore, they may surprise a careless player!
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