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Devlog 1.0 (updates & Fixes)

Who Are You!?
A downloadable game

Hello to everyone who's been following this project for the past months. We are finally delivering some quality of life updates, upgrades on performance and how things work in general. Also we were working on some improvements in the design and graphics. Still we have a lot of work to do, and we'll be providing more upgrades, next time we'll be focusing on Character and Animations/Cinematics. To bring even more depth to the story itself. We hope you get to enjoy better now, that even the Menu works as it should and without issues. Download again and let us know, so we can improve more!

  • English Subtitles added (Working on adding Spanish and other languages in the future).
  • Items will show details on how to interact with them as a form of tutorial during the first part of the game.
  • Animations and camera angles added during certain parts of the game.

  • The inventory UI has been reorganized and modified to work better with the game style.
  • Keyboard and mouse controls are now showing on the left of the screen, during the first part of the game.
  • Modified draw distance and general engine settings to improve fps and make it work better on low-end PC.
  • Modified the sounds during certain events, and during the "you died" screen.
  • Modified the "you died" screen, now it will show something different and more related to the actual situation of the game.
  • Added character view and movement animations
  • Fixed the dead trigger during the cornfield and the forest maze. Now it will end if you finish the puzzles in time and you won't die after completing this successfully.
  • Teleport system bug fixed, sometimes you got stuck, now it all works properly.
  • Main and Pause menu fixed. Now it works properly with every option.
  • Fixed the flashlight intensity, so now it won't be to intense and show the environment better.
  • Fixed the crosshair, so now it is better seen to interact with the objects and environment.


  • (Google Drive)
    Feb 27, 2023
Download Who Are You!?
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