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Changed3D OfficeArea RELEASE now available!

Changed 3D
A downloadable Changed3D for Windows

After a lot of work and sweat, I've managed to reach a somewhat satisfactory point in development of OfficeArea, so update has been launched! (It's 7:00 PM here, worked almost all day in this update, and I am too tired to add images now in this DevLog, sorry!)

This update implements a lot of suggestions that you guys gave me, and also my personal development tasks:

- Save and Load 100 slots!
- Balance tweaking: movement of the monsters, event delays, etc.
     / More time to alert and escape the dark latex monsters in the bathrooms
- Head bone rotation! (monsters can now look, with their head, at their interest, be it the human or a fellow monster)
- New dialog helpers at some locations (now prompted at some situations to indicate what to do, such as White Knight chase or Cat chase)
- Redesign of most UserInterface: Dialog prompt, Save and Load screen and Main Menu screen have been redesigned more alike the original game!
- Lots of bug fixes (there's still probably some bugs laying around... Argh, they just wont go away, won't they?!)
     / Fixed camera bug in which the FOV would go crazy after going down from a chair
- Level improvement (some areas have gone an improvement, and have additional details and dialogs)
- More monster interactions: as certain monsters, you may do certain things or get unique dialogs!
- New OfficeArea transfurs! (Spike transfur, Wolf King transfur, Werewolf Injection transfur, Crystal Mask transfur, Dark Latex Shadow transfur)
- Dr. K.'s Tape Recorder dialogs: You may find tape recorders in the level and get to see what Dr. K. thought of the situation... (I've forgotten previously about this one, so now I made it)
- Cinematic introduction for the Wolf King boss
- If standing still as a monster and in third person ("TAB" key), you will now be able to look around your monster character!

- Probably more additions, fixes and stuff that I forgot.

I will be working a little more time on OfficeArea and probably either continue to the Server Room or optimize/improve aspects of the game (3D models, animations, etc.)

So I hope you guys enjoy this release!


  • Changed3D_OfficeAreaRELEASE_V1.0_OLD 416 MB
    Mar 27, 2023
Download Changed 3D
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