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The Tutorial

A browser Gerrymandered! made in HTML5

The tutorial could use a bit more information but it consists of three puzzles that were made using the "user placed" mode. I could keep going and make more levels for the story mode, but right now I'm not sure how to make the levels much harder that the ones in the tutorial.

I can make the game more like a strategy game by introducing money as a game-play element. A player could potentially play until they win all seats in the Chamber of Legislation by gerrymandering and spending money to flip voters.

Next, I want to work on the multiplayer. I need to add more functionality to the contiguity module. Basically there needs to be an "illegal move" when you block off a section. Otherwise, the opponent can't form a contiguous shape. By using C++ I can make the maps and districts very large before the game crashes. An auto-fill feature would make drawing these shapes less tedious. Finally, I could connect noncontinuous squares automatically, so a user can swipe their finger across the screen without worrying about breaking the shape. Erasing could also be made less tedious by erasing part of the shape if it is broken.

These are why I chose to do this part of the game in C++. The GDscript I was using had recursion depth that was much lower in WebAssembly and AndroidSDK. With C++ I can malloc the memory and potentially push these platforms to their limit. But oh man, is compiling the export template a drudgery. Maybe somebody can help me fix the android build issues I've been having. But for now, I can at least export for web.

This feels like a good stopping point. I'd like to see if I can generate interest in the game before continuing. Feedback could help me figure out what features should be added to the game, if it should be a puzzle game or a strategy game, and maybe it can be crowdfunded, idk.


  • 34 MB
    Mar 23, 2023
  • Gerrymanderedv0.8.x86_64 430 MB
    Mar 24, 2023
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