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Terraria State of the Game - January 2023

A downloadable game for Windows

Greetings Terrarians!

Happy 2023 to you all - we hope it will be an amazing year for you and for Terraria! The team is back in action after a well-needed break over the month of December (which is why we had no State of the Game to provide for that month) - and work on Terraria 1.4.5 is in full swing. As you can imagine, most of the new stuff we have planned for this update is not quite ready to be shown. However, we have been able to provide a tidbit or two that we hope you will enjoy and that will increase your anticipation for this latest update. 2023 is going to be quite the year for Terraria, based on what is in our plans. Hopefully, it will go down as the year of Terraria Crossplay, amongst other things. As always, we enter this new year energized and empowered by your amazing support. We cannot wait until you can see what is in store.

Here's to another fantastic year of Terraria!


As you may have heard, the team finished off the needed hotfixes for the Labor of Love update in November, and it seemed like a great time for the team to take a little break to spend time with friends and family in order to recharge our collective batteries. Mission accomplished on that front, and we are already hard at work with the next Terraria update that we teased just before we left for the year in 2022. (If you missed it, check that out HERE)

Most of the first few weeks of 2023 have been spent in planning out the scope of the 1.4.5 update and getting a few things rolling. As a result, we do not have a ton to showcase at this stage... but rest assured that when we have spoilers to share, we will do so. You know we won't be able to help ourselves!

We hope that at least gives you a little glimpse into what we have in store for 1.4.5. To be sure, there will be plenty more to share as development carries on. For now, here's to 2023 starting off with a bang!


  • game 581 MB
    Mar 23, 2023
  • Goodies 116 MB
    Mar 23, 2023
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