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Update 1

Attack of the Ball Beings from Sigma Pavonis
A downloadable game for Windows

Finally finished the post-jam update after... two and a half months. Woops. I was hoping to get something out sooner but here we are. There's no major gameplay changes (some AI improvements is all) but it is now what I would consider a "complete" game, i.e. it has a main menu, persistent settings & scores, a tutorial, and everything should be generally more well polished. I also decided to change the name slightly; it should now roll off the tongue slightly easier.

The one issue I couldn’t fix was making a functional webgl build. The problem I was having was that all the balls that exist in the level when the level is loaded would fall through the world and die, thus giving the player free points (and no longer exist in the world to kill or be killed). I eventually tracked down an issue report (I can’t find it anymore) describing how it is a known PhysX bug in webgl and as such Unity won’t fix it. So the takeaway is that if you use physics in a webgl game, roll a dice for whether or not your physics objects will phase through the world!

On to the changelog...


  • AI Improvements
    • Ball beings now use A* pathfinding. You can’t hide anymore. (This probably took the most time to implement. (Tip; dictionaries in c# are not well suited for massive amounts of accesses!)
    • Ball beings will now jump up stairs at you!
  • Added a tutorial scene.
  • Added a main menu screen with a settings menu.
  • Added a high scores system so you can track how many balls you’ve slain.
  • Added and improved ambience and music.
  • Significantly improved the HUD.
  • Added screen jelly when taking damage.
  • Added screen shake when shooting and taking damage.
  • Minor improvements to environment art.
  • Adjusted spawn rates and spawn locations of balls.
  • Increased the projectile speed of the shotgun.
  • Gave the shotgun shells a texture.


  • Fixed the shotgun having a couple frame delay before opening/closing after pressing R.
  • Fixed the shotgun sometimes missing M1/M2 inputs for shooting and reloading.
  • Fixed typo and slightly edited the intro text.
  • Fixed the door texture having improper filtering.

This probably wraps up work on this game. It was valuable experience to actually finish and polish something for a change, instead of leaving the project with a week or less worth of work. I may port some of the improved systems I made over to Orbit Guard (shotgun improvements, better A* implementation) and add more levels to that game. Keep an eye out!


  • Ball Beings 56 MB
    Mar 22, 2023
Download Attack of the Ball Beings from Sigma Pavonis
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