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Some small updates

Too Many Sheep
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

I've made a series of small changes to the game today. Nothing worthy of a video, but they are things that inch the game closer to being done.

  1. The character select screen now allows you to pick a colour for your character. The design is still awful, but it is functional.
  2. I've reduced the number of sheep on the title screen. Ironically, there were too many, and it was causing issues on slower machines. 
  3. Keyboard and gamepad should now work with the main menu, meaning you shouldn't need to switch between different control methods to navigate the game.
  4. Upgraded the build to Godot 4.0.1 

I'm currently working on pause and in-game menus, this will allow you to navigate the game rather than having to quit to restart.


  • 40 MB
    Version 46
  • 37 MB
    Version 30
Download Too Many Sheep
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