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Pacheco Postmortem

Pacheco's Adventure!
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Pacheco Postmortem:

TLDR: I'm happy with what I learned from this, what we together accomplished,  and not so much what I was able to put out personally (Because I know I can do better)

Heya! Flaggawagga here as the programmer/uploader for the project as part of the jam. What is currently uploaded is what we had done as part of the game . I'm happy with what everyone put out and what we were able to accomplish given several unfortunate incidents  that happened throughout the course of the jam. Ignoring those, here is where I believe I/We could improve if we got together on a later project.

Organization: When we initially grouped together, we developed a GDD to get a better understanding of what we wanted to do and what to aim for, but we should have fleshed it out more with what we needed (game objects, programming logic needed, required art assets,  and such). Adding onto this I needed to organize my own time better. I had a general list of stuff to program into the game, but I just took a casual approach of "it gets done when it gets done" and I likely could have gotten more done and had more time to clean up if I organized the way I worked on programming it all.

Understanding my limits: Originally we started with a 2nd programmer on the team, but stuff happened and I ended up being the sole programmer for this project. It was offered that we could find a second programmer but I declined both because I believe I could step up and handle it and I didn't want to bother anyone.  But I could not handle it and I needed to just not be afraid of "bothering someone".  There were some assets the I feel that game could have been improved with (Game UI and such) but again I needed to be less afraid of "bothering someone for it".

BUGS/Unfinished features: there are a lot that popped up and a lotta player experience features I wish I could have implemented but I can improve on that by just being more organized with my time and work. Some of these bugs include: create a working options menu with the games pause menu, Fix the zoom in onto the player when the player pauses. Fix not all sound effects being affected by a volume slider. The attack animation shifts the player and messed with how the attack is perceived. The different tools only do damage at the moment, with original intent of having different uses not implemented by final build. We had a dread mechanic that's currently invisible because we were not able to add in enough to warrant it showing. Enemies AI can be a bit jank. Dropdown platforms need to be fixed. Wanted to add a toolbar for the different tools available/active rather than just text... and I could go on with how there was stuff that was never implemented/stuff that needed fixing and whatnot. However I am happy with what we were able to put together, especially when we had some last minute issues with developing the level and was able to put something together last second for the jam.

Shoutout to Colyde for bringing the team together and creating player animations, Spoiled_King creating some great art for the project that I'm worried I didn't do justice in the level - Which may now also be available on the Unity Asset Store.  Rylark for creating sound designs for enemies and the player that added a good feel to everything. TomSa for dropping honestly too many bangers for us, and Zeniac for designing our neat pause menu and giving us UI assets to work with. 

And thank you for reading/playing this game!


  • Pacheco 116 MB
    Mar 18, 2023
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