Posted March 20, 2023 by Elian David
This week we have upgraded the general blockout of our level with more detailed but not yet finished models of the assets and the environment. Keeping in mind with the set proportions we have decided on mentioned in the artbible , we have made the distinction between small, medium and large assets. Small asset being for example a barrel, medium assets e.g. a stack of crates,cacti and large assets e.g. carts.
When imported and placed in the scene we applied the shaders that we will use to have a first view of how it will look like. This also effects the way the assets were modelled using soft egdes and bevelling corners and sharp edges.
Composition of the level is not final yet, just to create the general feel of it.
After a long week of designing and administration, this week the design for our game has been fleshed out.
For the design of our game we are using the website Unfortunately while we were working on all of the nitty-gritty designing of our game, our entire design model disappeared from the website!
That included all of the details of our game, how it should be played, and references to assets.
To counteract this, the whole team spent an entire evening remaking the whole design model and rewriting everything we had.