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Synthetic Skies
A downloadable game

Since I am the only person working on everything, including the background art, character art, coding the game and writing the script I will probably not include any cgs for now as I start releasing demos and stuff. Also, I will only be working on one character story at a time or maybe in chapters so I don't burn myself out again. At this time, Emil is the only character I will be working on; his art and his story.

Also, I changed Emil's look again, I felt like he looked too sinister in the last revision.

I decided that I wanted to rework his outfit to something more traditional with his background, I also wanted to make him look more mature since I plan on aging him up again. The hair might not be final, idk if i want long or short hair on him and I might make it look more like a natural auburn color instead of bright red, but its the future so maybe people will look like this regardless lol. I redid his entire look from the ground up since I mixed up my layers the last time i drew him and didnt follow my own color palette making him look different each time i wanted to shade. Hopefully I dont have to do that again!

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