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Box'n'Jump V0.5

A downloadable game

-I tried making an AI generated Sprite sheet with Midjourney but it was terrible. I took a standing sprite it gave me tho and gave it some photoshop work to turn it into a walkcycle and threw that into BoxnJump, I also had to reduce the collision of the new character, he's way skinnier now. So ye, that will stay for now. 

-Used Midjourney to make a cool background image.

-Fixed the parallax script, it actually works now, both in X and Y directions. 😀

-I added the AAU splash screen, prbly won't stay 😆

-A bunch of little changes, I'm still seeing with computers that have suboptimal performance and when forced to play on keyboard the jumps can actually be frustrating. With good frames and controller BoxnJump plays awesomely but for the people struggling I think I need to make every last jump in every level easier. I made some changes of this nature already, making some boxes smaller, and adding more geometry. 
It might also be the web version plays a little worse...


  • JumpnBox 11 MB
    Mar 10, 2023
Download Box'n'Jump
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