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Winter Walking Update Version 1.3.1

Winter Walking
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello everyone ! 

Winter Walking is upgrading to version 1.3.1

This new version introduce some new features for the game : 

- Location points

- Interface "Assist hand" for objects

- Added an interface on screen with the basic key to use an item when you have it.

- End of chapters review

The location points system allows you to discover points of interest. These locations will make you earn 10 or 20 location points. You can view the locations you earn in the pause menu. Finally, the total score will be shown to you at the end of the chapter you play.

The Interface "Assist hand" for objects allows you to be more precise for collecting objects. This is a little indicator shown as a white hand to help the player aiming at the object. You can view the objects you earn in the pause menu.

At the end of a chapter, a review will be shown with number of objects you found and the total score for the locations.

The question is : Will you find all the objects and locations ? 😉

(Disclaimer : This game is still in development and may have some issues or bugs. If you find anything, please, be sure to report the problem in comments of the game page or on Twitter account @FlunkyStudio)


  • Winter_Walking_V1.3.2 1 GB
    Version 3
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