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A downloadable Platformer for Windows

BUILD 1.2470

Lots of bugfixes (Engine)

Object balancing(not final)

Optimized map data streaming



Intro (Warning/Health Information)

The display time has been significantly reduced, so that should be a good compromise between the warning message and the waiting time for the game to start.

A notice:

Map data streaming:

for the best experience, SSD is recommended.

Game supports multitasking.

Minimum system requirements:

Intel/AMD Processor (Intel i5)

Memory (RAM) 300MB free

Storage HDD/SSD 300MB free


Intel i5 or higher


graphics accelerator

Xbox Controller (for Windows)


Xbox controllers:

Analog sticks and digi-pad are supported

Alternatively, the keyboard can also be used, the inputs are identical to the inputs for the controller.

Keyboard input:

A= jumping


Y=quit game (on main menu)





Directional Keys=Move

Mouse: Left mouse button = weapon

SRTG+C = Controller reconnect

(should be switched between controller and keyboard, and the game does not register/recognize the switch back to the controller)

Controller input:

START=Pause/New Game




Y=quit game (on main menu)

Left Analog Stick: Move

Digital D-Pad: Move

Quick guide game:

Game autosaves at runestones

active rune stones are recognizable by ascending "gold shimmer"

treasure chests:

Active Chests: Recognizable by "jumping gold coins"

Chests and runestones become active when the player is close enough to the chest or runestone. (about half way screen)

Another heart is added from 100 gold coins.

The accumulated number of hearts is retained until a new game is started.

When all hearts are used up, gold is used for the "revival" (20 gold coins).

If the player has used up the last heart but enough gold, the player starts at the beginning of the map.

If there are enough hearts, the player starts at the last runestone that was saved.

Once hearts and gold have been used up, the player starts again in the first map, but with the number of hearts earned.

A notice:

Please use the pause function when exiting the computer/game console.

If the player is idle for too long (exception: game is paused), an invincible boss appears, which can be escaped by fleeing.

Pause function is disabled when the "Invincible" appears.

Note beta version:

About 25 maps are available/playable

Individual passages may be unintentionally too light,

others somewhat unfair.

This is an ongoing customization process that will be completed by the time the full version is released.

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