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Weekly Development Log: Art

Project S.O.S
A browser Vertical Shooter made in HTML5

Devlog for Project S.O.S:              

Art Direction

Week 1:

Hello everyone!

 This Devlog will discuss the art direction for our upcoming space shooter game, Project S.O.S. As we all know, visuals are one of the most important aspects of a video game, and they play a crucial role in creating a compelling and immersive experience for the players. Therefore, we wanted to ensure that our space shooter offers engaging gameplay and boasts stunning visuals that transport players to a different world.


To achieve this, The team and I started brainstorming about the visual style that best suits our game's theme and tone. After several discussions, we decided to go for a retro-futuristic aesthetic inspired by classic science-fiction films and video games of the 80s and 90s. This style would look visually striking and resonate with players who grew up playing these games or are familiar with movies like "Bladerunner" or " The Blob".  A Dark theme of space and other planets.


To create this aesthetic, I am working on our concept art to develop a color palette and a set of design principles to guide the creation of our game's visuals. I plan on using many neon colors, dark backgrounds with contrasting bright colors for the ships, and special effects, like lens flares and explosions, to create a visually dynamic experience.

Week 2

Dev Log for Project S.O.S. Art Team


Goals for the Past Week:


  • Finalize character design concepts
  • Create concept art for the game environment

Goals Accomplished:


Complete character design concepts and present them to the team for feedback

Started creating concept art for the game environment

Decided on a general art style for the game

Goals for Next Week:

  • Discuss and agree on the art style for the game
  • Finalize the concept art for the game environment
  • Start creating detailed 2D and 3D art assets for the game
  • Work on animations for ch and objects in the game

Individual Accomplishments for the Past Week:

As a member of the art team, I contributed to the completion of the Player design concepts and provided feedback to other team members. I also worked on some rough sketches for the game environment.


Individual Goals for Next Week:

Next week, I plan to create more detailed concept art for the game environment and start working on some 2D art assets. I will also help with any animations that need to be created.


Learning Goals:

To accomplish my goals, I may need to learn some new techniques for creating art assets, particularly in the 2D space. I will also need to work on improving my collaboration skills to communicate effectively with the rest of the team.

Week 3

Dev Log - Week 3 (Project S.O.S)

Rodney J. Thomas

Art Team

This week, I have been busy redesigning the creature art for Project S.O.S. We've added some exciting new features to the creatures, making them even more visually appealing and intimidating.

I focused on the creatures' features, adding more details to their eye, tentacles, and overall body structure. I also experimented with different color schemes to make each creature unique and distinct from the other ships and things.

In addition to the creature art, I've added sound effects and music to the game. Our sound design is to create realistic and immersive soundscapes for the level. From the eerie creaking of the abandoned ship to the frantic heartbeat of the player character, every sound has been carefully crafted to enhance the player's experience.

I've also created a haunting soundtrack that perfectly complements the game's atmosphere. The music builds tension and creates a sense of urgency as the player navigates through the dangerous and mysterious world of Project S.O.S.

These assets have been added to our Google Drive, making it easy for the rest of the development team to access and integrate them into the game. We're excited to see how these new additions will enhance the player's experience and bring the world of Project S.O.S to life.

Looking ahead, we'll continue to refine the creature art and sound effects as we work towards our upcoming alpha release. We're also exploring new ideas for environmental art and animations to further immerse players in the game's world.

Overall, it's been a productive week for the team, and we're excited to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in game art and sound design.

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