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Pause for sound - Fun Edition

Codename: TestingGrounds
A downloadable game for Windows

Good news everyone!

We now have volume controls. That means no more ear shattering gun noises. There is a slight oddity to them that will be addressed. For some unknown reason, the first time you change the SFX volume in any direction the playback volume of the sample sound is still at regular volume, change it loud than quiet and it is quiet, and if you start the game it will carry on at the level you chose. It's being investigated.

There is also background music now. If it's your cup of tea feel free to crank it up, but if the music isn't to your liking, there is a slider for that. Background music will be expanded going forward. 

Pause menu! That's right, if you need to pause you can pause, using the pause menu. It's the Escape key by default. Which is how you'll use it, because we don't remap keys right now. The pause menu can pause your game, take you back to the main menu, and it also includes volume sliders in case you need to adjust the volume on the fly. There is also a quit button. We weren't sure why we needed to include that, but focus groups suggested it. 

This update is mostly quality of life. There was also a bug fix to doors. You may have noticed some oddness if you opened a door and then went partially through but backed up. That may have been fixed in this release. It may not have as well. It's kind of like Schrödinger's door.

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