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Journal Entry 1

Project A
A downloadable mff-gdintro-2023-a

Date: 02.03.2023


- Started working on the One Page Design Document on Microsoft Paint at 15:00. Worked for 90 minutes.

- Took a break at 16:40.

- At 17:30, continued to work on the document.

- Finished at 19:30.

- Writing this journal entry.


Microsoft Paint used to be better in the earlier Windows versions. This newer version on Windows 10 has a lot of annoying things. For example, choosing a colour doesn't always register, so I had to keep spamming to pick the colour that I wanted. It's also difficult to add and resize shapes, because this new Paint has these annoying editing options which appear after putting the shape. I had to keep clicking somewhere else to make it go away. Also, my index finger is literally hurting and itching due to the amount of clicking I had to do to draw this document.

Invested Hours:

- 3 hours, 30 minutes on making the document

- 5-10 minutes on the journal.

OutcomeDesign document with an integer page count strictly greater than zero, and strictly smaller than two.

EDIT: Finished a sentence which was cut off in the middle.


  • One Page Design Document.png 174 kB
    Mar 02, 2023
Download Project A
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