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Update V0.02 - Aiming

Codename: TestingGrounds
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello All,

Just wanted to thank all the brave souls who downloaded the first version of the game. Feedback was immediately taken to heart and aiming has been improved in this second edition. It's still not perfect, but your bullets should go where you are aiming. One of the issues to be addressed is the animation that is played when you fire. The gun actually can fire at different points of this animation, and since the bullet is actually spawned and shot in the direction that you are pointing your gun, this means you will have genuine barrel drift as you fire. The current cross-hair points more-or-less where the bullet will go when you are firing rapidly. If you fire a single shot from an idle position you can expect your bullet to go slightly below that. 

Also in the current version the follow items have been update: 

For variety, units can now spawn in any color.

Speaking of enemies, spawn rate has been increased. This is still random, but on average there should be more AI units per map.

Tanks will now shoot, they shoot a stronger, larger sized projectile. 

Explosive barrels will....explode.

As mentioned on the main product page, addressing the intermittent stutter mid-level is being looked at. It will probably require a rewrite of the level spawning algorithm  once a suitable method is found for it. The stutter is a result of having good placement. We currently can choose between random placement with no checks, or random placement with collision checks. If we set up levels without collision checks, they would be a mess. Items could spawn on top of other items, or if we told them to fail their spawn in that case, we might have levels generated in a very empty manner as items would fail and never try again. 

Under our current system when an object is set to spawn, it'll first check to see if it can be placed in that area safely. If it can't, it will retry several times before it gives up, rather than give up instantly. The stutter you see is a result of levels which are created where the random placement system just can't seem to find an empty spot to stick something. The amount of allowed attempts was cut by over 75%, however it didn't make things better, so an alternative will be sought out. We won't accept poor spawns though. It's currently better to deal with the stutter rather than deal with trees sticking out of tanks.

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