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The new system for Sparuh's solo games moving forward.

Hello and welcome to the first devlog for iXe! I’m Colin Liew, the lead developer behind this project. In this post, I’ll tell you all about iXe and why we're proud of it. There's still much to improve on I believe but we're using this system for most of our game moving forward. Also, we will be redoing the system for Witasy Express and Scopicity.

iXe is a digital utopia where anything is possible. It’s a game where you can create your own adventures and explore endless possibilities. You can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do in this digital playground.

But what is iXe exactly? Well, it’s not just a game. It’s a whole universe of games. A universe called The Grid.

The Grid is the heart and soul of iXe. It’s where you can find all kinds of servers that run different game worlds. But these are no ordinary game worlds. These are worlds where digital beings such as cartoons🐰 , animations🤖 , and characters from movies or series👩‍🚀 live. They have their own personalities😎 , histories📜 , and goals🏆 . And they can travel from one server to another using the power lines⚡️ and interact with each other in amazing ways💥 .

The inspiration for iXe comes from many sources that explore the idea of living inside a virtual reality. Some of them are:

  • Wreck-It Ralph: A movie where video game characters come to life after hours and have their own quirks😜 , troubles😢 , and aspirations😍 . They can visit different game genres🎮  and meet all kinds of characters👾 , from heroes💪  to villains😈 , from cute🥰  to scary😱 , from retro🕹️  to modern💻 .
  • Ready Player One: A book (and movie) where people escape their dystopian reality by entering a massive online simulation called OASIS🌴 . There they can find hidden clues that lead to an ultimate prize that could change their lives forever💰 .
  • The Matrix: A movie (and trilogy) where humans are unknowingly trapped in a simulated world controlled by machines🦾 . Some of them manage to break free and fight back against their oppressors using special abilities that bend the rules of physics⚛️ .
  • Tron: A movie (and sequel) where a computer programmer gets sucked into a digital world inside his own software💾 . There he discovers a tyrannical regime that enslaves programs and forces them to compete in deadly games⚔️ .
  • Sword Art Online: An anime (and manga) where players get stuck in a virtual reality MMORPG that threatens their lives if they die or try to log out☠️ . They have to clear all 100 floors of the game world to escape✨ .

iXe takes elements from these stories and mixes them with my own imagination and creativity✏️ . The result is a game that offers endless possibilities for fun and adventure😊 .

But how do you play iXe? Well, it’s simple. You just need two things: poker cards🃏and oracles🔮.

Poker cards are your tools for creating your character👩‍💻 , setting up your story📚 , resolving conflicts⚔️ , changing fate🎲 , etc.

Oracles are your guides for interpreting your cards♠️♥️♣️♦️ , giving you prompts💡 , adding twists😱 , etc.

You can use any standard deck of 52 poker cards (plus jokers if you want). You can also customize your deck by adding or removing cards that make your story more interesting and enjoyable👍 .

Oracles are basically tables or lists that give you random words or phrases based on your cards’ suits or values (or both). You can use any oracle you like or create your own👌 .

The combination of poker cards🃏and oracles🔮gives you infinite possibilities for creating awesome stories with a twist of fate😉 .

You can play iXe solo👤 , cooperatively👥 , competitively👥💥 , online💻 , offline📱 , etc.

You can play iXe as an RPG✨ , as a storytelling game✏️ , as an improv game😂 , as an art game🎨 , etc.

You can play iXe for hours⏳ , for minutes⌛️ , for days⏰ , etc.

You can play iXe however you want!

And if you like what you see and want to support me and this project, please consider becoming a patron on Patreon💖 . There you’ll get access to exclusive content such as:

  • Early access to new features and updates
  • Behind-the-scenes devlogs and sneak peeks
  • Customizable card decks and oracles
  • Voting rights on future development decisions
  • And more!

Your support means a lot to me and helps me keep working on this passion project❤️ .

So what are you waiting for? Join me in this digital utopia where anything is possible. This is iXe. This is The Grid. And this is your story. Let’s make it epic!😎 "


  • [DEMO] iXe Edition One.pdf 12 MB
    Feb 27, 2023
  • iXe_Edition_1.pdf
    Feb 27, 2023
  • iXe_Edition_1_High_Quality_Print_Version.pdf 28 MB
    Feb 27, 2023
  • iXe PlayKit-Edition One.pdf 538 kB
    Feb 27, 2023
  • iXe Trait Sheet-Edition One.pdf 705 kB
    Feb 27, 2023
  • [Demo] iXe Trait Sheet-Edition One.pdf 3 MB
    Feb 28, 2023
Download iXe: Solo Journal for a Digital TTRPG
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