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A downloadable game

Announcing ZIMBY!

ZIMBY is a city-building tower-defence game about preserving what's really important in a global catastrophe - property prices.

Place buildings and roads to grow your city, with synergistic building placement yielding higher land values. Place defensive towers while trying to minimize their impact on nearby property prices... and do your best to save civilians if you have the time I guess. Zombies will constantly try to attack your city, and remember - piles of corpses are very bad for neighbourhood ambience ;)


This is actually the third iteration at this concept, dating back almost 7 months at this point. I prototyped the core gameloop with evacuationv1 and evacuationv2, and made a lot of very useful mistakes before deciding to start fresh with a 3D core, and a shiny new name - ZIMBY! (Like NIMBY, geddit?)

This game is early in development, and both of us devs have full-time jobs so I don't expect development will be especially fast. I will post devlogs semi-frequently, so be sure to subscribe if you want to stay informed!

ZIMBY is built with Godot, and the assets are made in Blender! #opensource

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