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Accuse [C64]

Accuse [C64]
A downloadable game

After the minimal Cloak of Darkness demo game, I decided to reimplement another "classic" little IF game, using my storytllr64, my WIP C64 graphic text adventure engine

This time I've selected Accuse, by David A. Wheeler, a 2007 (vaguely) Cluedo-like replayable game, released under GPL 2 or later license.

murder, in a mansion, with three suspectsthree potential murder weapons, and five locations, and you, a detective with "powers", able to understand if a specific accusation is correct or not.

Beware, more than a real mystery game, Accuse is a logical puzzle game within a mystery setting. But if you've got 10-15 minutes to spare (and you don't mind playing a game made for a 40ish-year-old 8-bit (great!) home computer - I mean, you need an emulator or the a real C64 to play it) I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Being released as GPL3 you can also look at the game source code (scripts and readme are in the available zip file)




  • accuse.prg 34 kB
    Feb 25, 2023
  • 5 kB
    Feb 25, 2023
Download Accuse [C64]
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