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Small Rough Patch/ Getting Back on Track

World's Crossing Academy 1.0
A downloadable story for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Hoo boy. How do I start this one out?

First, let me allay any fears, since I haven't posted one of these in far too long. I intended to be a dev who communicated with their community at least once a week, and I'm still fairly active on the official WCA Discord, but that doesn't help those of you who get your updates here. Also, I may have gone on a Goblin-creating spree, and... well... 

Development for WCA Season 2 was put on hold for a little bit. I had a bit of a creative slump brought on by a lot of personal stuff, both things I have control over and things I don't. But Season 2 is resuming, and I know what I'll be doing for the first portion of the main story in S2. I just have to organize it now. 

Also, the game has attracted the interest of several people who wish to help contribute ideas and scenes to the game, and some of these are making it into the character side stories system I have planned. The BULK of the content in the game will be in the side stories, and I'll be paying a LOT of attention to the quality of these scenes. All of them will be edited by me to retain the flavor and quality of WCA, and more than a few will be completely rewritten by me.  

The core framework for how I intend to organize the game files is done. I've decided NOT to include the H-scenes from Season 1 so I have more room for the main story and Core girls' stories. I'll make those H-scenes separate download for PC/MAC users who want all the H-scenes from both games together. 

And I know what you're thinking. "Well if you have all this, why no update?"

Two words. Unmedicated depression. Because 'Murica and no health insurance. That, and every time I try to rely on someone to help me out, they tend to just... kinda forget that they volunteered? So when I check in with someone I delegated a task to a month ago, I find they haven't done anything. What I wouldn't give for just ONE. ONE reliable, quality writer who knows my writing style and who could consistently help me out. That alone would turn production on this game up to 11. But alas. Y'all are stuck with my slow ass.

As for why I've been silent for so long... well, to put it bluntly, my sister and I just got back from a 10 day trip to California in which we collected our father's ashes (they put him in a fucking CARDBOARD URN, y'all), and in digging through what was left of his stuff that our step siblings had decided we got to keep, we broke open a whole can of worms we were not prepared for. 

So, long story short. We're getting screwed out of any inheritance we might have had, including our father's house, which was put up for auction today. Step siblings have his computer, which likely has his real will on it and credentials for his accounts, and they blocked us when we asked about it. On top of this, we discover several things about our family that I will not air here (hint: we're Italian and that could potentially be dangerous), except that my father may have gotten away with arranging the deaths of not one but TWO of his wives, our mother being one of them, and may have been plotting to do the same with the woman to whom he was married when he passed. Or he may have been in the process, since she passed shortly after he did. 

On top of all of this, my sis, her spouse, my current roommate, and I all have to find a new place to live before June. We've known since probably December or late November, so stress has definitely been a big part of the lack of writing going on. 

Ever wish your own fictitious world was real? 'cause if so, this is what I'd be doing:

Alas, life goes on. Just have a lot to process. Once I have my mind straightened out (and potentially some reliable help), WCA Season 2 will be gaining some steam. I have a vision for the game. Just gonna take a bit to make it happen, and I appreciate everyone's patience. It ain't the end of the world, just some bad luck, and much like everything else, it's temporary. If anything, I'm determined to make my own mark in this world, and if WCA is how I do it, then great lol. I honestly can't wait to get to work again, but I'm probably gonna take another week or so to process and get myself re-centered. Y'all are an amazing group of people to be so passionate about this project and these characters, and I'm lucky to have y'all. It ain't all bad, just some speedbumps, and I personally hate being slowed down. Y'all are wonderfully patient but I am fuggin straining against this leash that's holding me back, keeping me from delivering content. I can't wait till I can actually write again. 

Anyways, I'mma do some writer's block exercises I came up with last year, and see if anything of substance comes out. Thank you all again for being here and loving this game.


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