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My Lord - Behind the scene

My Lord
A browser game made in HTML5

We are very happy to receive a positive feedback from our fellow developers or players. I appreciate all people who put their time and effort to type a very constructive feedback. 

Few years ago, I have this idea about hiring mechanics, but I just couldn't thought how should I put it or what will it be. Sorry for my English here but what I'm trying to say is there seems to be lacking on the mechanic that I could not explain really well. Additionally, I also thought that will people play this kind of game? Is there an audience of it? When you look at it from other perspective it might sound so tedious going through all this application and reading them one by one. After not thinking about it for a while and forgetting it, I release my first game on steam which is completely different from hiring. It was My House is Haunted, a horror multiplayer game. I was very disheartening . It didn't sell well and all my motivation are lost.  

Right after my first game release, I joined a game jam Game Off 2022. I want to start from the beginning where some of the legend indie studio begun. I created a team and recruit some talented people. The result was ok but I'm proud with it. Game feels good and I received some few feedback. We also participated at the Global Game Jam 2023. This time, me and the writer was the only remaining from last team and we recruited more people to join in our team. The jam was soo fun even though it is soo tiring because we have to develop the game overnight for 2 days. We are always on discord call so it was fun. The result was good. The art really stand out. I think we got carry by our artist :)

Then here comes Brackey's Game Jam. Since the previous member are busy irl, Me and the writer guy recruited one more person to our team, a musician. Three of us has a different role. Since, most of our members are busy, we decided that we can just chill and do the game jam without worrying too much about the deadline. If we miss it then we missed it. Just a  relax jam and stress free. I thought, if that's the case, maybe I should test the idea I had few years ago during this game jam and see if that concept is good. I didn't create any GDD or project board, everything is just on top of my head (or maybe im too lazy to make one since I'm the only programmer here.) Writer guy made sure that the story fit within the theme. He made sure that the dialogue of every character are related to the old kingdom. A very talented guy IMO. Also another talented guy, our composer musician. He compose the music for town, transition to battle, on battle, and finally the final boss battle. A very good music IMO. I finish the game early friday but balancing the economics and battle stats was the one I overlook. I didn't expect that it will take soo much time to iterate and get the ok ish balance.  I even ask my team to help me playtest the game and we found something that needs to be polish. The music guy also tried to finish the game for too many times to count lol. I tweet a lot of positioning for the applicant npc. The way it works is, it is very linear list that whoever on top shall go first. After hiring or rejecting 5 people, the battle will begin. I learned that I should not place two expensive unit on the same turn. It will be very very hard for players to buy them. Those units are soo essential to the game that it makes it hard to beat the game without them. One more thing, economic is really hard to balance. I need to keep in mind that players need money to beat the game. If its too much, it will be easy. If it too small, it will be impossible. 

Anyway, I am happy that the concept works and some people really like those kind of game so here is my Announcement.

We consider this game as our prototype. Now that the concept works, we are now planning to make a fully fleshed out, polished game officially.

If you like to hear more please follow me on twitter @poguthis.


  • 61 MB
    Feb 19, 2023
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