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Update Alpha 9: Threat Status Effects Update

Going Deeper
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Alpha 9.1 Bugfix update

  • Fixed the Advert spell crashing on floors that do not have a Witch's Den.
  • Fixed spawn requirements for the 2 new monsters.
  • Fixed the event requirements for the taking root event of one of the new monsters not matching the hint for it.
  • Fixed the Go For The Throat Skill having the Applies Marked Tag when it shouldn't have.
  • Set the game to properly default to 1280 x 720 on first open (I left it on 1920 x 1080 on accident which was causing very strange errors for some people on loading).
  • Fixed the Filter Scrolls dropdown in the Skill Scroll window having the incorrect font.
  • Removed a line from the Chastity skill's scripting that was causing it to attempt to load a particle that doesn't exist.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Carry On (and possibly Clapped On, Clapped Off? they work off similar parts of the code) Skill to not properly track what monsters had been attacked.
  • Added effect description tooltips for Thorns, Charge, and Fury (similar to the one for Marked).
  • Added effect description tooltips to options in the New Game+ selection window.
  • Fixed the Enkindle Spell's description in the New Game+ selection window not matching its updated effect.

Hello again. Time for another version update.

Alpha-9 is mostly about changing how threat modifiers (the things like dire monsters or efficient traps) are handled. It does this by adding an entirely new system which allows those threats to also have their own individual status effects! This was significant back end work, but will allow for a lot more variety in the way that monsters and traps are interacted with!

This update is not huge on new scenes (though there are some things to find, of course), but should still be quite significant in a lot of ways. Also, as revealed in this public post, the next update will focus in on a supporter chosen threat type. If you're looking forward to more content, definitely look forward to that!

(Also note that I lost my changelog document within the last week so I might have forgotten some stuff here)

Edit: It looks like there's a bug in the current version where the Advert Spell will crash if you have it during the first, second, or ninth floors (where there is no witch den to scry). I would recommend uh... Just not having the spell active for those floors I guess.


  • 1 new camp sexy scene
  • 2 new monsters
  • 2 new traps
  • 1 new (ally) status effect
  • 8 new skills
  • 2 new spells


  • Threat Status Effects
    • Monsters and Traps (referred to collectively as just "threats" from now on) can now have status effects applied!
      • Status Effects appear in the room information window that the threat is occupying.
      • Clicking the icon of a Status Effect will create a window that explains what it does.
    • Increased the number of spawn modifiers that threats can get, many of which do more than just change their base stats.
      • Threats now have their own Tags which control what spawn modifiers they can start with, but these will also be useful later for other things
    • Some Skills that the knights can learn will also be able to apply debuffs to threats.
  • Spell Scrolls
    • Spells can now be found in chests in much the same way that Skills can!
      • Spells found are instantly learned by the Inquisitor.
      • Any Spell Scroll found that is already known will increase the Inquisitor's maximum mana by 1!


  • Clicking a Status Effect icon in the Room Count window (top right) will create a window that explains what the effect does (without needing to open the knight's full stat page).
  • Changed many parts of the UI theme, entirely removing one of the fonts and hopefully making things more consistent/easier to read/prettier.
  • Set particles and sounds of Skills to load before they are first displayed.
    • This should prevent small lag when a skill is first used, but may slightly increase load times for the dungeon.
  • Temporarily disabled the Hunting Call Skill
    • It is being buggy and difficult and will require some changes to how its scripting is handled to work properly. Messy.
  • Cut several text boxes from the beginning of the intro cutscene
    • People keep telling me it's too long...
  • Using the keyboard shortcuts to focus an Ally (defaults of 1, 2, 3, and Tab) will now simulate clicking on that Ally
    • Makes keyboard playing a little easier
  • Moving the camera using the keyboard (WASD or arrow keys) now moves exactly 1 room in the input direction.
  • Changed watching events from the Research Notes menu to allow you to make different choices than the one you made when first viewing the event.
  • Fixed being able to get multiple Advert spells from the New Game+ bonuses.
  • Fixed the knights not starting each floor in Explore mode.
  • Fixed the memorized indicator in the post floor clear loot window not being player colored.
  • Fixed two bugs where the Gardening Spell would read the Ally's Desire Drive rather than Current value, then immediately remove the Thorns effect that it grants rather than removing itself like it was supposed to.


  • Status Effects
    • Sweet Dreams Trigger (the one from the glyph trap) now plays a particle effect when the trigger activates.
    • Pacified will no longer prevent a monster from attacking an Ally if that Ally tried to attack and it was cancelled by the Pacified effect.
  • Spells
    • Nerfed Photosynthesis
      • Casting Scry on a room with an ally that has Thorns in it grants that Ally a buff which heals 1 Injury and 1 Exhaustion at the start of their turn for 5 turns. Moving ends the effect early.
    • Changed Enkindle to only have an effect on Allies with at least 1 Skill with the Fury Tag.
    • Nerfed Acuity
      • Mana cost increased to 3 (was 2)
      • I don't like this Spell because it is boring and also it has a dumb looking penis brain sword icon, so it might not be around for much longer.
  • Threats
    • Some numbers were adjusted/modifier that were not previously spawnable were allowed as a result of the Threat Status Effect system being added.
    • Changed all Events that previously had stat requirements that were > some number to >= that number.
      • So if some event required "more than 50 Lust" before it now requires "50 or more Lust".
    • Increased the amount of variance allowed in intended floor difficulty when selecting spawn modifiers (should result in less "every monster is just monstrous" later in the game)
  • Chests
    • Increased the size of the scale of rarity in chest rewards.
      • Should result in common rewards being more common, rare rewards being more rare, and fewer empty chests.


  • Going Deeper Alpha-9.1 Public (win).zip 400 MB
    Feb 25, 2023
  • Going Deeper Alpha-9.1 Public (lin).zip 401 MB
    Feb 25, 2023
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