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Undercard Events

This week, I have added events to the world map's North West section. These events are simple choice-based decisions, like paragraphs from old-school gamebooks where you turn to different pages to see the consequences of your actions.

In this case, the consequences can have effects such as buffing or rebuffing your stats, building your reputation, affecting relations with other world races/nations, and unlocking future events and quests. I hope these will also make the world feel more alive, add depth to the lore and allow you to see actual changes to the landscape dependent on your horde's rising power.

Here are a few examples:

You can encounter a group of neophyte human adventurers in a tavern.  Your choices can build your reputation for brutality, spread the Word of your god, Krog, to human lands negatively affecting orc-human relations,  or have a good old-fashioned pint with the group, positively affecting relations with human realms.

In another encounter, at the edge of the Netherwood, the elven forest realm, you come across a slave camp. Here, elves sell runaway orcs back to the wild orc camp in the north, their nominal allies in the fight against the dwarves.

You can, of course, slaughter the elves, negatively affecting relations with them but pleasing your god. Buying warriors for your horde is also an option, enhancing your reputation with the elves as 'someone we can do business with.' This, in turn, will open up future events.

In an occupied Smallfolk village, you will find a cantankerous old orc preaching the values of democracy. Depending on your reputation, you can court his approval and get his followers to join your horde, pay off his followers or slaughter him. If the old git joins your horde, this could open up a range of consequences as his philosophy gains ground amongst your own followers.

This is a small selection of implemented events. There will be many more, supplementing the grander main events on local maps.

This is a WIP and everything could change.

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