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Touch Paradise XXX: ⏪ Rewind Demo
A downloadable game for Android

Ok, so if you've been reading the recent development logs, then you'll be aware that a decision has been made to migrate the Touch Paradise XXX project to the Cocos Engine.

What this also means is that in addition to the first official title receiving the Cocos Engine treatment, the  ⏪ Rewind Demo will also be remade from scratch using Cocos Game Engine based technologies. 

This blog post intends to expand upon the improvements detailed over here.

So let's begin shall we ?

Version 1.1 (Further Details)

The following are definitive work in progress details of what gamers should expect from version 1.1 of the demo:

- 5 screening questions: It has now been decided that there will be 5 screening questions in v 1.1 of the demo. These questions will be similar to the ones that already appear in v 1.0, but are most likely to carry an altered visual representation to what gamers have already seen. Please note that screening questions are actually part of the game elements gamers can expect in the first full title under the Touch Paradise XXX series of games. 

- Source Code DNA: As you probably already guessed, The unannounced main title as well as v1.1 of the ⏪ Rewind demo will she the same code DNA. This is actually why the decision was made to port the demo over to the new game engine: because it is easier to maintain two titles that use the same development framework rather than two titles using 2 completely different frameworks (especially as an independent developer, that could be nightmarish).  Furthermore, the demo actually acts as a beta channel for gamers to test some new features out before they make it into a full release. . . building those features into a full title using the same framework just makes a lot of sense. Really.

- Gameplay: Gamers can expect that the gameplay mechanics between versions 1.0 and 1.1 will be mostly identical (aside from a few differences). The aim is an almost identical port with augmentations made where necessary. 

- Scorecard: The scorecard for the demo is an area that is currently being reworked from the inside out. This is because since 2017, I have always deemed it a very important feature in the game. So gamers should expect MAJOR differences 😉. . . Don't bother asking what they are. It's a SECRET. Shhhh . . . . .

- 7 Levels: Yes it is true, version 1.1 will have 7 levels in it, and they won't necessarily be in the order that they are now. They will also vary in difficulty levels too. What this means is that the current Stage 4 could end up being Stage 2 in v 1.1 ? Expect the unexpected. 

- Sounds Effects: 😏 . . . Ahem. Please bear with me as I will surely be fixing this in version 1.1.

A port to a new engine is no easy task. Thankfully Cocos based technologies make certain parts of this process painless.

With that being stated, I simply cannot wait to show you what is in store for version 1.1. Once the port begins to take shape ? You can guarantee that you'll be first to know.

In the meantime, don't forget to subscribe to this blog for the latest updates, and DOWNLOAD AND TRY VERSION 1.0

Touch Paradise XXX Developer
§hadow αrts Limited (2023)

Download Touch Paradise XXX: ⏪ Rewind Demo
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