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Journal Entry 1

Project T
A downloadable mff-gdintro-2023-t for Windows

Date: 18.02.2023


- Downloaded Unity 2020.3.18f1. Took about 30 mins.

- Downloaded the required tutorial thing for the homework.

- Had to sign in to track the tutorial on Unity's website. Unity wanted to make sure no one is stealing my account, so it dragged me through its verification process

- Followed the tutorial and did what it wanted.

- Built the game and uploaded it.

- Writing this journal atm.


I first worked with Unity in May 2015 before coming to university. Coloring the assets inside the editor is not weird, it's pretty standard imo. I don't like these tutorials. I don't think anyone could learn anything from them. It probably gives a false sense of understanding as to how game development works. Game designers use tools built by the programmers/developers to design the superficial parts of the game, and that's exactly what this tutorial "teaches", despite the fact that it takes a lot of effort by the programmers and artists to make the majority/core of the game. I have a lot of negative things to say,  but I'm unable to do so without using a colorful language (which uses colors beyond the visible spectrum), so I will skip to the "positives".

The tutorial kit was surprisingly bug-free. I managed to get everything done without it asking me to redownload the project (although I did everything in one-go, so maybe that was it).

Ok I will actually mention one negative thing (just so that no one says I didn't): the god awful music. It's terrible. I couldn't play test the things I added more than 5 seconds because of it.

Invested hours:

30 minutes on installing the required Unity version.

20-30 minutes on going through email verification and other things.

1 hour on actually following the tutorial

15-20 minutes on building and writing this journal entry.

EDIT1: I forgot to write the "Outcome".

Outcome: chicken salad

no, just kidding (yes, really, just kidding).

The outcome is Build (uploaded to the page as a .zip file)

EDIT2: Formatting


  • Build (Windows).zip 26 MB
    Feb 18, 2023
Download Project T
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