Posted February 16, 2023 by Polycorne Games
#game update
NEW: New immersive in-game soundscapes, from city life to environment eco-system. NEW: New audio effects for each action in the game (building, upgrading, destroying, ...) NEW: Cute silizen's voice when interacting with them or when they have something to say NEW: UI sound effects reworked to ensure level and flavor consistency UPDATE: Buildings can now have two colored walls UPDATE: Savegame is now notified by a tweet (instead of a popup) UPDATE: Vineyard props style added to farms UPDATE: Buildings have now beautiful balconies UPDATE: Silizens increased their job lookup algorythm. It means they reach available jobs faster. FIX: Translation fixes FIX: Forest random rotation and size is back FIX: Siliberty statue is not selectable FIX: The cursor back to default selection when going back to main menu FIX: Double poor window is not correctly placed FIX: Sometime camera position is desync (slight shift between the center of the screen and the pivot rotation center) FIX: Cursor remains as a hand when mouse-leaving a panel FIX: Farm barn disappeared FIX: When you reach level 3, the building are locked as if you are at level 1
KI: Light poles glow during the day KI: Some viewmaps are visible but are not used yet