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They Came From Dimension X - Hotfix 230215

They Came From Dimension X
A downloadable game for Windows

They Came From Dimension X is going through an overhaul that will likely not be ready until the release of Episode 1 later this year. That said, I did finally catch a major performance bottleneck, and it seems to revolve around bone animation processing and the occlusion system not catching out of view animation players.

The fix itself involves sending a signal when the Actor enters or exits the portal view system (basically the room and adjacent rooms you happen to be in). Once it exits the PVS, it disables the AnimationPlayers from performing Skeleton Animation playback, thus relieving the CPU. This has given a good performance boost to the systems this was tested on. Hopefully those of you having trouble playing will find this small hotfix helps you, too.


  • They Came From Dimension X Demo 97 MB
    Feb 16, 2023
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