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(SPOILERS FOR GAME) Explanations for stuff in the game!

This is NOT your game (fan game)
A downloadable game for Windows

Hiya! I'm adding this devlog as just a way to explain what certain stuff implies or my interpretation of events.


Fight ending of the game- This ending is very not canon compliant but I wanted multiple endings... 

Dose Hera (arg!guqqie) die?  No. In a weird way I interpret Hera as almost a parasite. Where she has ascended beyond needing a body and can jump hoasts. In the fight ending you only kill the physical hoast of Hera but she interns possesses you. Just though that making Hera not the physical body but this parasitic god-like being was really cool. 

Flight ending of the game- The Cannon ending

I decided that as a way of making it more interesting, having Au!Guqqie wake up still in the lab lets me play around with more hypotheticals. But the TLDR is that She just ran home.

Portal ending of the game- The fast way out

This was a last-minute addition  (I was very tired when I added it) so take it more or less as a joke ending! 

The people in the dream- Npcs

My idea behind the npcs is that they are all part of a made-up family for au!Guqqie. Kinda like what they imagine having a family would be like. You can interpret any of the characters as you wish! (They don't really have many cannon relationships outside of Viena and Amy are dating, and Balam and Azazel know each other and at some point kinda fell out.) Other than that all up to you! 

(Side note: Taylor Swift npc is a joke based on a stream I did where I was designing some npcs. The whole stream I was looping "enchanted" by Taylor Swift so that's why she exists. The Baal Npc is a joke easter egg based on the fact I have scrapped a few npcs from the game) 

Posting about the game-

If you post anything about the game please @ (@sailshroom on twitter) me so I can see! :)) I love seeing people's reactions to my work! 

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