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Green Territory - Visual Prototype Progress

Green Territory
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello again!

The picture above is a little teaser of what I’ve been working on in the scope of the visual prototype I discussed in the previous devlog. So far I have an isometric grid, some basic drafts of all buildings, some resource types variety and some decorations like trees and bushes.

The final mockup is still ways to go, but I definitely happy with the progress so far. Even judging by what I already have I can say that graphical aspects of this game are not that scary as in previous projects, and I feel pretty capable of delivering a decent results. That means that this prototype serves its purpose well, and seems like I will have enough motivation working on visual this time.

Once I have something more interesting to show in scope of the visual prototype I’ll post another devlog with some pictures.

Until then,
The Game Is Simple

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