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Alpha 0.2.1

Dacia Driving Simulator
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey! While you're waiting for Alpha 0.3 to come out, here's a small update to make Alpha 0.2 version a bit better.

The changelog is quite short: 

  • Fixed a bug where player would fall out of the map they were on, when the host changed their map
  • Fixed a bug making player unable to drive faster than 30km/h, when using Arcade or Automatic Gearbox
  • Improved game performance. Now after a long gameplay the CPU usage won't skyrocket to some ridiculously high values. 

As the meme says: It's not much, but it's a honest work.

Now, something about Alpha 0.3. Like I've mentioned before, that update will focus on the in-game content. While I cannot share too much just yet, I'll say that at least 2 racetracks are being planned. I've also thought about those who don't like their friends, and prefer playing alone - this version will feature car AI, against which you can compete in races, or maybe even play Carball against. Here you can see how the AI works as of now: 

I hope you like the changes coming in Alpha 0.2.1, and that these changes will make the game more fun to play. 


  • Dacia Driving Simulator Alpha 0.2.1 44 MB
    Feb 10, 2023
Download Dacia Driving Simulator
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