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New version

Onions Reduce Aggro
A downloadable game

A new version is released! Still very much in the early access/demo stage.

Much of what was done is under the hood code rewrite to facilitate future upgrades. Tasks that were fragmented among multiple scripts have been consolidated. This will allow core features to be expanded with greater ease such as adding new heroes.

As for what you will see:

1. Additional ingredients, meals, heroes have been added in this version.

2. Some additional lines of customer dialogue added and now is randomized. This way a specific hero doesn't say the same thing over and over again. With the code consolidation it is now extremely easy to add new dialogue.

What you won't see is the boss encounter because it has been temporarily removed. This has been done for two reasons:

1. Part of the code rewrite, boss spawning will be its own routine rather than integrated with the main customer routine again allowing for ease of adding new bosses and custom functionality associated with those encounters. Currently working on that portion of the rewrite. 

2. Will likely combine the concept of elite heroes and bosses into one. They will only spawn when certain advanced meals are available. They will most likely be a unique meal only they want. For instance, bacon cheeseburger gets unlocked. But they want it with mushrooms and ketchup. This would not show up as a unique meal as it is somewhat redundant. But the boss would spawn after you unlock ketchup and mushrooms.

What's next?

1. The aforementioned bosses are next up. I currently only have a couple models that I feel are good enough to be bosses. So I have been searching the Unity store and GameDev market for more assets.

2. More ingredients, heroes and meals will be added. Would like to have a large assortment of ingredients to allow for obscure boss unlocks. 

3. Some kind of journal showing all unlocked heroes and bosses, also showing how many haven't been unlocked. Had a preliminary version of this early on but realized it was like writing a table of contents before writing the book.

4. Would like to have more consistency with the meals and the heroes. Originally, I envisioned each ingredient to have a specific stat associated with it. Found I was focusing so much on that that I was spinning my wheels and not getting anywhere. There is a little of that here as the name of the game suggests but not much.

5. The ability to empty a plate if you put the wrong ingredient on it. The only option you currently have is to server the wrong meal.

6. Currently if you click on the food on the plate rather than the plate itself glitchy things happen like changing the order of the food or moving the food to a different place. This should be an easy fix just need to remove the collider from the food once its on the plate.


  • 459 MB
    Feb 05, 2023
Download Onions Reduce Aggro
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