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First release.

I am no developer. Just a mere space and physics enthusiast. 

So I decided to just try using the LÖVE framework and the dreaded lua scripting language that it uses. It turns out working for five years at an IT company can help you appreciate languages which aren't behemoths like C# with it's various frameworks!

About five years prior to today I tried my hand at using LÖVE and lua, and then came to the conclusion that it wasn't for me. But a couple of weeks ago I decided to see how easy it would be to simulate planets revolving around each other, using the Newtonian model of gravity. Turned out to be a lot simpler than I had thought! I even became somewhat closer friends with one of lua's most powerful features, its metatables to define my own vector operations.

I've been fiddling with Unity for many years, but it turned out to be a pleasant change-up using LÖVE. Unity and Unreal are, hands down, just plain awesome in countless ways. But those game engines come with tonnes of bells and whistles attached which would have just bogged me down in the development of this little game.

More features are to come, for sure, but updates will not be frequent. I have been looking into the threading feature of LÖVE the past week, but we'll see where that goes.


  • ver. 0.1.0 -
    Feb 05, 2023
Download ASA - Arcane Space Adventures
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