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Flying Fun

Flying Fun
A downloadable game for Windows

The most noticeable difference between many other flying games and Loren Logic's flying engine, as found in the Flyland Wars genre of games on and Flying Fun on (which hopes to direct attention to the unique and creative Flyland Wars games and thereby make us a little money), is that flying with our engine does not make most players 'seasick.'   As a long-time U.S. Navy guy, I know all about seasickness, otherwise known as motion sickness or 'mal de mer.'  The eyes take in unusual, rolling motions that the brain cannot account for.  The world does not move around like that, some part of the brain decides, and therefore the body must be sick!  The brain decides the body is food poisoned, and evacuates the stomach.  I carried a soda can around with its top cut off on my Navy ships for several years until I was miraculously (literally) healed of seasickness, and have never been seasick again, including during the last two years of my Navy career.    Watching the computer screen when playing most flying games sends the exact same message through the eyes to the brain and on to the stomach, making many players nauseous.  People get sick in dog-fighting games, just sitting at their computers!  But I (Loren) learned a thing or two about how to prevent seasickness, and created the Loren Logic flying engine for software.  The first thing I did is to eliminate ROLL!  In the Unity game world, Roll is on the .z axis (push a straight pin in from the prop spinner to the tail of the plane, as it were).  Pitch is on the .x axis (push the pin from the left to the right wing-tip, for climbing and diving).  Yaw is on the .y axis (push the straight pin straight down through the center of mass of the plane, for turning left or right).  Your eyes take pitch and yaw in all day long and pass them on to your brain, and it is fine with them.  No seasickness.  But roll your eyes a few minutes on a fair ride, or spin your eyes around a distant axis (like on a merry-go-round), and you may get sick.  Those are 'unnatural' to many brains.   Okay, so if one wants to make a flying game, one must eliminate Roll!  But what flying machine doesn't roll?  Fixed-wing planes certainly roll!  Helicopters don't-- much-- until the action gets radical.  In a game, things get radical, do they not?  A flying game using a blimp or a zeppelin would be big fun...  Even Superman and Iron Man roll!-- mostly because it looks cool.  Why, because they are aerodynamic?  No.  There's no reason a flying human being actually needs to roll, especially if it makes him or her seasick!  So Loren Logic created a character, the Agravator (A-Grav, anti-gravity, get it?) who aggravates enemies something awful.  (Yes, I know how to spell 'aggravate,' thank you.)  The Agravator does not, cannot roll, and the game player does not get seasick.  Simple as that.  However, Loren Logic had to invent a new flying technology where roll is completely eliminated in order to make a good, fun, scientifically possible game.  Why anti-gravity?  Why not just birth our main character under a red sun, or give him or her physically improbable technology like Tony Stark's?  And, by the way, isn't anti-gravity pretty much as fantastical as Stark Industries?  Actually, no.  I happen to be an engineer and inventor, and have discovered that it appears possible, using resonant disaster, to disrupt gravity locally.  (I'm more of a quantum mechanics or string theory kind of guy than a Relativity person-- spacetime is just too smooth, y'know?)  Anyway, if I can purposefully reduce Earth's gravity locally while leaving Sol's and Luna's intact, I can 'fall' on a vector toward the median gravity point between them.  It isn't really 'anti-gravity' at all, it is gravity ON or OFF!  So I am simply projecting what I think can be accomplished with gravity manipulation on ever-changing vectors, and am making some pretty darn fun games to help pay for my research.  Once I've got a good flying engine, why not have a fun place to fly?  That's why each flyland in the Flyland Wars is imaginative and unique!  That's why Flying Fun is fun-- whether you survive or not!  The whole idea is that flying, especially flying in a realistic environment, is something you have probably dreamed of doing since you were a kid.  Now you can-- without getting seasick!  Have fun!


  • 175 MB
    Feb 01, 2023
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