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Creative Brief

Gun Soccer
A downloadable game for Windows

What is Gun Soccer?

Gun Soccer is a multiplayer soccer game with guns. We aim to have it as a 4 player, 2 vs 2 game. The basic mechanics are shooting the ball with your gun, to try to get the ball into the enemy goal to score a point. You can also shoot other players to knock them back. This can be used to help teammates into position, or to hinder enemy players. You can also rocket jump by shooting the ground.

What is the experience like?

We want Gun Soccer to be a high paced yet fun action sports game. A good example of what we conceptualize Gun Soccer to be is Rocket League- but instead of cars, you have guns. We want this game to be easy to pick up, but hard to master, and we want to give a fulfilling sense of fluid movement and shooting to allow the players to pull off cool combos and score goals in exciting ways.


Rocket League is the clear inspiration, but we also take mechanics from other shooters- primarily, the Rocket Jump from TF2, which also serves to make our game more unique, as well as add more interesting movement. Finally, we want to add Gyro aim for accessibility like in Splatoon, as this will allow new players to aim easily and be able to pick up a controller and get the fun started as soon as possible- without having to worry about hard mechanics that have to be mastered in order to have fun. 

We also would like to mention Lucio Ball, as that is a game that is also similar to ours (although we were not aware of it until recently). The main difference we have from that game, is the range aspect of the guns, which we will touch on in the Uniqueness section of this brief.


We want to have low-poly assets, with musical inspiration being taken from games such as Fall Guys, or Unrailed for music. We want this game to lean into the goofiness of the concept, and ultimately be a very fun, and non-serious game that you can pick up with your friends to have a laugh and good time with while you play. We are also looking into adding dynamic audio where, for example, the music will ramp up as the ball gets closer to the net or as time runs out to give the game a greater excitement from just the music alone.


A big aspect that we wanted to focus on is uniqueness from other games such as Lucio Ball or Rocket League, which is the range aspect. Those games are much more close range, and the whole point of our game is that you can pull off cool plays from long distance. This makes our game more strategic in a way, and also rewards quick thinking. If you were close range it comes down a lot more to just mechanics, which causes a higher learning curve. We have a lower skill floor but just as high a skill ceiling as those other games.

We are also thinking of having the force from the bullets apply to yourself and teammates. This means you can jump up, shoot, shoot below and will be launched up. In the same way you can shoot your teammate to push them closer to where they want to be.

Potential Features

Here are some potential ideas that we have for future features:

  • Health system with ragdoll couple seconds when reach 0 health
  • Character selection (weapon classes / player look)
  • Weapon switch
  • Select loadout prior to the game (choose weapon (i.e. shotgun has shorter but wider range, sniper has much faster bullet speed and damage but single shot, etc.) and 2 abilities) Teams could then try to synergize their loadout/counter enemy loadout.
    • In addition to weapon type and abilities, could also have passives to choose from (i.e. more hp, faster movement speed, etc.)
  • UI for score / time
  • Start screen (explain controls)
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