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Terrain Textures and Trees: Improving the Look of Tyrium

Tyrium (Prototype)
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello everyone,

This week we made some major updates to the game's terrain textures by replacing them with high-resolution images.

The new terrain textures give the game a much more polished and immersive look, with a greater level of detail that really helps to bring the world to life. The addition of trees also helps to make the environment feel more alive and dynamic, adding a new level of realism to the game.

We also added trees to the game, which were taken from our previous game "CreepWars TD" - and modified to fit the visual style of Tyrium.

The trees already looked great in "CreepWars TD" and we are excited to see how they will enhance the gameplay experience in Tyrium. They will add a new layer of strategy to the game, as players will have to take into account how they can use the trees to their advantage. Additionally, the trees will also add to the game's visual appeal, making it more enjoyable to look at.

We are really happy with how the game is coming along and we can't wait to see how players will react to these new changes.

We will continue to work hard to improve Tyrium and make it the best game it can be.

And as always, we would greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions to help guide the development of the game.

So stay tuned for more updates and improvements in the coming weeks.

Download Tyrium (Prototype)
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