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An infinite finite graveyard

A Small Tale
A browser game made in HTML5

Soooooo..... It's been a while, but I've been plugging away at the second layer of the game once you plug passed the first, and LEMME TELL YA! This little bastard is growing into quite the strong boy, I've added a giant graveyard filled with tombstones a plenty, andplenty of wandering folks to talk to about their various miseries, not to mention THE EVER PRESENT CHANCE OF DEATH in the form of ghouls, zombos, ghosts, wisps, and other things really, because I like whoopin dat ass. As for when I'm uploading this next chunk?

iI'll let y'all know.

School and... school are taking a priority seating at this event of the damned, soooooo that means the chances of when I'll be able to fully get this thing knocked out is AMAZINGLY something. BUT, I am working with a few folks to turn this 2d thing into 3d, and that means adding an actual story besides "OMG AHM HERE!?" still have no clue.

But I am in the process of increasing the amount of STUFF in the game, maybe even... no... not that.... mustn't let them envision THAT large a scale.... YET. MUAHA, HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! I really need to lay off the caffiene.

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