is community of indie game creators and players


Schools Out Forever

Sap: School Days
A downloadable game

The good stuff: 

As the Sap: School Days is done!  Well, the 1.0 version is done.  After a quick check to make sure it isn't horribly broken in some way I haven't yet seen I'll be dropping it here tomorrow for you to play.  I'll continue supporting it for a little while, bug fixes and maybe even a little content update, but generally it's done.  This week (as you can see above):

  • Tutorial extended to include some tips and the game goal
  • Bestiary added so you can review which cards you've seen
  • A few new cards

Problems this week? 

I had a major issue this week and it was a fun one indeed.  Many moons ago I decided to rely on Scriptable Objects for the core data of the cards.  It's been both a positive and negative where design was concerned.  Being able to work quickly through changes and rapidly iterate changes to individual elements right in the inspector was excellent.  Abstracting data from function was an obvious no-brainer.  As for downsides, there were a few (though many were my fault, and not the fault of SOs).  One that almost destroyed me in the 11th hour before final turn in this week: I was using an enum as the core definer of cards.  This was fine until I removed one midway through the list.  Now, code wise, it wasn't an issue, enums are robust like that.  Unity didn't play well with it in the SO department.  All the numerics were shifted, and SOs are just always saved without any confirmation, so - without my agreeing to it, every card in the game broke at once.  The fix wasn't so bad honestly, I just had to go through and reassign each card to its proper enum.  Needless to say, I don't recommend mixing the two when the core of your game depends on it.  Two bad choices on my part. 

And, on that note...

I will keep this devlog going for as long as I continue to work on S:SD.  After that, I'll start up the proper Sap devlog here on itch.  Keep an eye out and let me know what you think!  Remember, come check out S:SD tomorrow and give me all your thoughts. 


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