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On Dynamism and Granularity

Sap: School Days
A downloadable game

The good stuff: 

Getting close now, isn't it?  I've knighted the current version of S:SD 0.90.  

  • All the cards that will be in it are in it
  • Hand generation overhauled to make for a more dynamic playthrough (needs further tuning)
  • A few of the cards have some new behavior I won't spoil here 

Problems, solutions this week? 

Less of a code problem, and more of a conceptual one this time around.  For a long time I've wanted to fix the way the player is dealt options each turn.  The solution wasn't difficult as much as rapid and functional.  I spontaneously came up with the idea of "bioscore."  While biodiversity will be a function within Sap proper, S:SD has no real room, nor time for such a grand notion.  Bioscore then, is far simpler.  Basically each turn the boards contents are averaged to generate a value which determines a new pool of possible cards to be dealt.  The cards themselves have always had such a weighted score to them, but it's finally being used.  Rather than doing so via a weighted distribution which never felt how I wanted - I'm using to bioscore to decide what tiers of cards can be selected from.  After that it really is pretty random.  This still accomplishes the feeling of development I wanted, though it does need to be tuned before release.  

What's left to be done?

All that's left to do before I release this teaser into the world is final bug fixes, solicit and implement feedback, a few little odds and ends.  Not to mention the tutorial was pushed back a week.  Once that's done I'm getting the materials together for the Steam page, and cleaning up the itch page which is in dire need of fixing.  After that?  It's time to start over again and being work on Sap proper.  I don't want to call this a demo, because it's really its own thing.  Maybe I should refer to S:SD as a proof of concept.  I will make a post about the full project this weekend.  Stay tuned! 


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