is community of indie game creators and players



A downloadable game for Windows

Hello Gamers!

Today we present to you a new build of our game. Everything is now a lot darker and has a more atmospheric vibe to it. Sadly we still have some major light issues to fix but this will hopefully be fixed in the next Update. Additionally, we have a working AIUI and a goal to achieve for this part of the Level. Some sounds were added as well but a lot of dialogue ist still missing. (To tell you a secret: We already have recorded them, but it's a pain in the a** to edit and clean up all those lines).

Still though, go ahead and try the Level. We are working on other variations in the meantime and would greatly welcome any feedback!

Your Pancake-Umbrella Team <3 


  • 414 MB
    Jan 18, 2023
Download Deception
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