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Fire of Rebellion is out - now what?

Fire of Rebellion
A downloadable game

Fire of Rebellion version has been out for a few weeks now. This dev diary will briefly summarize the different features of the game and then discuss future development plans.

Fire of Rebellion v0.3

Version 0.3 contains the following

  • 5 basic stats that shift as characters evolve
    • Sage - representing memory and history
    • Fool - representing realism and discernment
    • Child - representing idealism, wonder and hope
    • Poet - representing the power of words for good or ill
    • Warrior - representing action and violence
  • 10 basic moves - 2 moves per stat
    • Speak truth of legends
    • Relive the stories of the past
    • Assess the situation
    • Weigh words and actions
    • Look for hope, magic, or wonder
    • Show mercy
    • Inspire, comfort, or support
    • Persuade, provoke, or coerce
    • Battle an imminent threat
    • Defend
  • 9 playbooks
    • The Beacon - the moral center of the crew and the one who keeps spirits up
    • The Chosen - marked by a destiny out of their control
    • The Defector - who left the Empire after witnessing their evil
    • The Exile - cast out of Empire and struggling with the need to return
    • The Knight - the member of a righteous order opposed to Empire
    • The Orphan - robbed of their family by the actions of Empire
    • The Princess - born into privilege, longing for action on the front lines
    • The Survivor - a pessimist with no faith in the cause, learning to commit to something greater than themself
    • The War-Child - one who cannot remember a time of peace and struggles to imagine a life after the war
  • a relationship stat - Faith, and moves to boost or block your crew-mates' moves
  • a condition system - Lights and Shadows, reflecting various emotional states that impact the basic moves
  • 3 world stats and their corresponding moves
  • a Crisis/Surge system
  • 5 Special Moves that have special effects when a Crisis or Surge is ongoing.
    • Seek forgotten knowledge
    • Sacrifice what you cannot save
    • Act on hope alone
    • Cast judgement
    • Sacrifice for cause and crew
  • A list of principles and agendas to set the tone of the game

  • A list of GM moves to help facilitate play

What comes next?

Currently, much of my plans depend on the feedback I receive. I need to be able to tell which areas need a rework, which ones need more love, and which ones need to be re-conceptualized entirely. That's not something I can easily do without feedback.

So once you've downloaded and played the game, please send your feedback to; I hope to have a feedback questionnaire up soon, but feel free to email me beforehand.

That said, I am not entirely without ideas, and hopefully the next update to this game will have something. I am currently considering the creation of two new playbooks: the Prisoner and the Revenant. I may post a future dev diary discussing my ideas for these.

Eventually, I hope to get this game polished enough for a full 1.0 release. Ideally, this will include formatted pages and playbooks as well as commissioned artwork. So on top of feedback, donations are also very much appreciated.

In the interest of transparency, the current plan is that upon reaching 1.0, Fire of Rebellion will be switching from Pay What You Want to a priced game, though I have not settled on a number yet and don't plan to for some time. Because I still want the game to be as accessible as possible, owners of the game will receive the update for free, and new purchases will add community copies.

I don't know when (or even IF) I'll get this game to 1.0. Until then, barring some financial emergency, this game will stay Pay What You Want.


I am currently organizing a playtest that starts Saturday, January 28, 9am-12pm, Philippine Time. It will continue weekly for 8-16 sessions at the same time of the week. If anyone is interested, message me on Discord at Mr. Bottle#7873

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