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this game is a bugfest, part II

A browser game made in HTML5

so i spent the whole Saturday doing mostly invisible work on Vase: fixing bugs and cleaning up code.

it was like playing whack-a-mole, where a fix to an earlier bug would cause another to pop up. it isn't easy to make a tile-based game, because there's actually quite complex logic behind the scenes, which is prone to bugs.

for example, i got this Telegram message after midnight about the game becoming unwinnable. i hurried to my computer to fix this, and it turned out i had incorrect coordinates for the function that checks whether a player (with their inventory) can fit in the target room.

...but wait, why did this work before? well, the function doing that check was busted to begin with, and two wrongs made a right %)

the room transitions are particularly bug-happy, because i have to essentially make the animations manually. usually my first attempt at adding a new room looks something like the above gif.

there was even a frame-perfect bug where if you press down and left/right at the same time, you would fall in such a way that the inventory lags behind you. (hmm, i wonder if the bug in the first part of this series had something to do with this?) 


to wrap this up, i would like to thank Krakenpine, Jayrude, and Greenfoot5 for their bug reports. 

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